Distinctive Systems has released released a free of charge cloud based Driver Portal for our Coach Manager private charter and contract booking system.
The portal lets drivers log in securely to an intuitive desktop and mobile friendly website where they can view an online diary showing the bookings they have been allocated to. Clicking on a booking will immediately bring up the full details of its work ticket.
Drivers can print their work tickets directly from the website, or download them to a desktop, laptop or mobile device. If preferred, operators can still send work tickets directly to a driver’s smartphone, or print them for subsequent collection from the office.
In the Coach Manager allocations diary, the traffic office is able to see when a driver has looked at a booking and has printed or downloaded the work ticket. Optionally, drivers can be allowed to say whether or not they are able to take on a booking they have been allocated to.
The Driver Portal follows hot on the heels of our recently released Client Portal. This lets your clients request and accept quotations, list and check their bookings, view a statement of account and make secure online payments via the same desktop and mobile friendly interface. A third portal, which will open up online access to the operations side of Coach Manager, is currently under development.
For further information please call Distinctive Systems on 03 8676 0670.
Distinctive Systems is delighted to welcome two new members of staff to our development team.
Our all new Driver App allowing drivers to view their bookings and perform daily walk-around checks has now been released.
The British Tourism & Travel Show will take place on 19th - 20th March 2025 at the NEC in Birmingham, UK.
Distinctive Systems will be exhibiting at Euro Bus Expo when it returns to the NEC, Birmingham, UK on 3rd - 5th November 2026. Further details to follow.