Distinctive Systems is pleased to announce the release of a free Walk-around Check Mobile App for users of our Coach Manager private charter and contract booking system, Tour Booking System and Vehicle Maintenance System.
The mobile app works either in conjunction with new core functionality incorporated into VMS, or, for users who don’t have VMS, in conjunction with a new standalone application called the VMS Walk-around Check Edition.
Users of Coach Manager and TBS can download a free copy of the VMS Walk-around Check Edition. Just like the new functionality incorporated into VMS itself, the standalone version complies with all statutory walk-around VMS Free Driver Walk-around Check App for Android Devices check and defect reporting requirements. It also includes everything necessary for the setup and ongoing management of all associated vehicles and drivers.
The new mobile app makes it easier than ever to ensure drivers are complying with their statutory duty to carry out a daily walk-around check and report any defects found. It guides the driver through the complete process for performing the walk-around check. Against each item to be checked the driver has to either touch a green button to say it is OK, or touch a red one to report a defect. When a defect is found the driver can choose from a list of predefined common defects, or enter a free type description. Up to four supporting photographs can also be included for each defect. The walk-around check can’t be submitted until every check has been completed.
The completed walk-around check results include the date and time it was carried out, the time taken to complete it, the vehicle distance reading and the GPS location at which it was done. The mobile app stores the results locally until it picks up either a Wi-Fi or mobile data signal. It then uploads the results to a secure cloud-based server operated by Distinctive Systems. VMS polls the server at regular intervals and downloads the results directly into the VMS database. The workshop is automatically alerted as incoming defects are received. As a backup measure, the cloud-based server automatically emails a nominated address the moment it receives a new defect report. The mobile app can also be used to submit new defects as and when they occur.
Defects submitted using the mobile app automatically hook into VMS’s existing functionality for creating a new defect description and scheduling it into the workshop. The existing integration between VMS and Coach Manager automatically ensures the traffic office is kept appraised of all outstanding vehicle defects. The free of charge VMS Walk-around Check Edition is also fully integrated with Coach Manager.
The Walk-around Check functionality has been incorporated into both the full and the Express versions of VMS. All Users of both the full and the Express versions of Coach Manager and TBS are entitled to use the VMS Walk-around Check Edition, provided they have a current software subscription or maintenance agreement. The VMS Walk-around Check Edition cannot be purchased separately by operators who are not users of Coach Manager, TBS or VMS.
For further information please call Distinctive Systems on (646) 448-9981.
The iOS Driver Walk-around Check App can be downloaded from the App Store here.
The Android Driver Walk-around Check App can be downloaded from the Google Play store here.
Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. Android, Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google Inc.
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