To help clients get the maximum possible benefit from our systems, we hold regular training courses at our office in York. Alternatively, we hold online versions of the same courses meaning you don’t have to attend in person. In addition to scheduled courses, we offer a comprehensive selection of recorded webinars broken down into separate areas of system functionality. We currently have 37 webinars and all are available on demand. Classroom courses, online courses and webinars are free of charge for all clients, all that is required is a current software maintenance or subscription agreement for each system you have.

Every member of our training team has been recruited from our client base and has several years of real world experience using our systems in an operational environment. As a result each is ideally placed to help you and your staff achieve the maximum benefit and utilisation from our systems.


Classroom Courses

Classroom courses take place in our purpose-built training centre at our office in York. Each course is open to a maximum of eight attendees, so please be sure to reserve as soon as possible if you'd like to come on one.

When oversubscribed, we maintain a waiting list for each course. If you have reserved a place but find you can't attend, then please let us know so that someone else can have it.

You have an annual allowance for classroom-based courses which is detailed further down the page.

Course dates are listed below. To reserve a classroom place please email


Online Courses

Online courses take place using GoToWebinar. The content for online courses is the same as it is for classroom courses. However, the way it is presented is adapted for an online audience. It can be harder for attendees to concentrate than it is in a classroom environment, so the day is broken down with suitable breaks given throughout the day.

There is no limit to the number of online courses eligible clients may attend.

To reserve a place please email



Our new webinars are recorded presentations covering every area of our three systems. You are free to view as many as you wish for each system and you can watch an individual webinar as many times as you like.

Webinars last for around 20 to 60 minutes depending on the area of the system being covered. You can stop watching at any point if you have found what you wanted to know.

The big advantage of webinars is that you can watch them when it is convenient for you to do so and you can also spread several of them over a few days

Please click on the buttons below to view a list of the webinars for that product and register to view them.



Our 37 webinars represent a very considerable new training resource for your company, given that every member of your staff can watch as many webinars as they want, covering any area of our systems. All that is required is a current software maintenance or subscription agreement for each system you have.


Course Calendar

Calendar for classroom and online courses.

Coach Manager
Coach Manager
Tour Booking System Vehicle Maintenance System Stock Control Online Elements
Thu 10th Oct (Classroom) Fri 11th Oct (Classroom) Mon 21st Oct (Classroom) Mon 28th Oct (Classroom)
Mon 4th Nov (Online) Tue 5th Nov (Online) Wed 27th Nov (Online)
Thu 12th Dec (Classroom) Fri 13th Dec (Classroom) Mon 2nd Dec (Online)
2025 Dates Coming Soon


Courses are free of charge for clients with a current subscription or software maintenance agreement. Clients have an annual places allowance to attend classroom courses as detailed in the following table.

System Users Free courses per annum
Coach Manager 1 to 5 2
6 to 12 4
13 or more 6
Coach Manager Express 1 to 5 1
6 or more 2
Tour Booking System 1 to 5 2
6 to 12 4
13 or more 6
Vehicle Maintenance System 1 to 5 2
6 to 12 4
13 or more 6
Vehicle Maintenance System Express 1 to 5 1
6 or more 2

There is no limit to the number of online courses eligible clients may attend.

Please note that we reserve the right to cancel the courses on short notice due to low attendance. For classroom-based courses we advise that you book any travel and accommodation that can be cancelled.

Places must be booked in advance for both classroom and online courses. To reserve your classroom or online place please email

Full day courses will start at 09.30 hours, and we aim to be finished by 16.30 hours. There are appropriate breaks taken through the day to help with concentration.

Our two new ½ Day courses will begin at 09:30 hours and aim to be finished by 13:00 hours.

For further information about course content and availability please call us on 01904 692269

Coach Manager - Course Content

Basic Course (Coach Manager Express & Coach Manager) Advanced Course (Coach Manager)
Clients, Drivers, Vehicles & Locations Setup & Security Overview
Quotations & Private Hires Data Titles, Codes & User Defined Reports
Contract Bookings Pricing Schemes & Location Pricing
Diary, Allocations & Scheduling Driver, Vehicle & Day Logs
Invoices & Sales Ledger Driver's Hours Checks & Warnings
Reports & Work Tickets Coach Manager Online Overview
Licence Check integration
Driver App & Portal Overview
Please note that both days are scheduled from 09:30 – 16:30 however the advanced day may finish earlier in the day depending on attendees and their requirements.

Tour Booking System - Course Content

TBS Express and TBS
Setup & Security Overview
Seating Plans, Pick-up Points, Accommodation & General Items
Tour Departures
Tour Vehicles
Clients, Agents & Bookings
Departures, Invoices & Reports
Sales Ledger & Financial Reports
Website Overview
Now a single day of content the day is scheduled from 09:30 – 16:30

Vehicle Maintenance System - Course Content

VMS Express & VMS
Scheduled Activities
Activity Diary, Six Month View, Optimiser* & Planner*
Employees, Skills* & Logs*
Walk-around Check Overview
Defects & Nil Defects
Accidents* & Incidents*
Unscheduled Activities
Job Cards (Including Overview of EJC)
Tyre Module overview
DVSA Earned Recognition
Security & Setup overview
Questions & Answers
* Items only available in the Full version of VMS
Now a single day of content the day is scheduled from 09:30 – 16:30 please note that some features may not be available to all users as there are elements from the full version included in the training.

Stock Control Course Content

Stock Control
Parts & Suppliers
Order process
EJC Stock process
Supplier invoicing
Questions & Answers
This course is ½ a day to cover basic elements about the stock control module.

Online Elements Course Content

Online Elements
Corporate Sites
Image Sizing
SEO implementation
Theme Designs
Coach Manager Portals
TBS Tour Pages
Electronic Job Card
Questions & Answers
This course is ½ a day to cover basic elements about the websites that can be created and work in association with your software. The content will be tailored to attendees that are booked on the day.